Homebrew Beer Recipes

JOIN US LIVE: https://bit.ly/3vQjtr5 MAGNETS: https://amzn.to/3EhzKdJ CLAWHAMMER SYSTEM: https://www.clawhammersupply.com/?aff=16 ALYAZ: https://www.instagram.com/brownmenbrewing/ GNOME: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRi3oEQtkvQrKvS8A3-bR-Q Vanilla Beans: https://amzn.to/3Xb75zo Orange Peel: https://amzn.to/3gdjNgE Lactose: https://amzn.to/3ObslkC ORANGE CREAMSICLE MILKSHAKE IPA: 6.4% abv OG: 1.063 FG: 1.014 60 MINUTE BOIL !!!! !!!! BATCH SIZE: 5 gallons VARIABLES: grain lbs: 12 lbs mash thickness (qts/lb): 1.33 target mash temp: 152°F YEAST: WLP066
This is easily my best iteration of the classic Irish Red Ale yet! Ready in just about a week, this authentic representation not only absolutely nailed the color, but also was an absolutely delicious take on the style and did not last long on tap! ——————————————————- CLAWHAMMER SUPPLY SYSTEM: http://www.clawhammersupply.com/?aff=11 ——————————————————- MERCH STORE: https://theapartmentbrewer.creator-spring.com ——————————————————-
https://thebeerjunkies.com Welcome back to the Beer Junkies! Today we are brewing an Irish Red. The Irish Red is a delicious, malty amber ale with a light caramel sweetness and a slightly dry finish. Follow along with us as we go through our recipe, water profile, mashing, mash out, sparging, the boil, the whirlpool, knockout, yeast,
PATREON – http://www.patreon.com/thehomebrewnetwork ChatGPT – https://openai.com/blog/chatgpt/ Synthesia STUDIO -https://www.synthesia.io/ Recipe WCIPA – https://share.brewfather.app/opjBCRqTghbVOX T-Shirts and More – https://shop.spreadshirt.com/home-brew-network Twitch – https://www.twitch.tv/gash_slugg Discord – https://discord.gg/CZREQeUKn9 Brew Beer Shirt – https://store.streamelements.com/gash_slugg?cartId=b7_s2uLKTYi_YwD-_pOf7g Amazon Brewing – https://www.amazon.com/shop/thehomebrewnetwork More Beer Aff. – https://bit.ly/MoreBeerAff BYO Magazine – https://byo.com/shop?ref=32 Zymurgy Magazine Aff. – https://bit.ly/HomeBrewersAssociation Brewfather – http://bit.ly/Brewfather Kegland – https://bit.ly/Kegland ——————————————————————————— Video
In this video, I’m brewing up an American classic – the Cream Ale. This delicious, easy-to-brew pale beer carries far more character than a pale lager and will have people coming back for more! ——————————————————- CLAWHAMMER SUPPLY SYSTEM: http://www.clawhammersupply.com/?aff=11 ——————————————————- MERCH STORE: https://theapartmentbrewer.creator-spring.com ——————————————————- SUPPORT ME ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/theapartmentbrewer ——————————————————- FIND ALL MY RECOMMENDED HOMEBREWING
H4L MERCH: https://bit.ly/32rMkb4 JOIN US LIVE: https://bit.ly/3vQjtr5 System: CLAWHAMMER: https://bit.ly/3qNkxdJ INKBIRD STICK: https://amzn.to/3FYENzf SPLATCH IPA: 6.2% ABV OG: 1.057 FG: 1.010 30 MINUTE BOIL BATCH SIZE: 5 gallons VARIABLES: Water: 8 Gallons R/O target mash temp: 152°F YEAST: Voss Kveik Yeast: https://amzn.to/3HXfwHg Omega Lutra Kveik: https://amzn.to/3FVsBPT GRAIN: 12lbs 2 Row HOPS: 3oz Amarillo 30 min
Lallemand Munich Classic dry yeast and Imperial G01 Stefon are two fantastic and quite different hefeweizen yeasts. Which is better and how do they act perform? Today we take out the 20 gallon Clawhammer Supply system and find out! ——————————————————- CLAWHAMMER SUPPLY SYSTEM: http://www.clawhammersupply.com/?aff=11 ——————————————————- MERCH STORE: https://theapartmentbrewer.creator-spring.com ——————————————————- SUPPORT ME ON PATREON: https://www.patreon.com/theapartmentbrewer ——————————————————-
magicianword makes beer. We turned water into beer! How hard is it to make an IPA. We made homebrew beer, “Super Brew” for our Super Bowl party. We made a kit beer from More Beer, an IPA , a clone of I heart IPA. Spoiler alert, It is delicious, we have now started a second
#HomebrewWednesday #Homebrewing For a nicer, more formatted version of these notes, please visit: Cranberry Blonde Homebrew Recipe and Review Support the show, get your Colorado Brew Talk Gear at: https://www.teepublic.com/user/colorado-brew-talk or if you found something useful, why don’t you just buy us a beer? The link says coffee, but you know us. https://ko-fi.com/cobrewtalk You probably
Support us on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/InsideTheHiveTV Article: https://doi.org/10.1186/s12917-022-03151-5 _______________________________________________________________ “Best protein patty for honey bees? Homebrew recipe” Nutrition is one of the most important aspects of beekeeping. However, it is not a simple area of research and unfortunately, honey bee researchers have a long way to go to identify what is the best for bees in
RECIPE KITS: https://www.atlanticbrewsupply.com/search.asp?keyword=homebrew%20challenge TWISTEE CANS: https://www.crowlernation.com/product-category/cans/cans-resealable-twistee-cans/ EPIC BEER TRIPS: https://www.epicbeertrips.com CLAWHAMMER BREWING SYSTEM: http://www.clawhammersupply.com/?aff=5 MERCH: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thehomebrewchallenge/ RECIPE FOR 3 GALLONS: 3 lbs 12.0 oz Pale Malt, Maris Otter 6.0 oz Crystal 80 5.0 oz Pale Chocolate 1.0 oz Roasted Barley 0.75 oz Fuggle [4.50 %] – Boil 30.0 min 1.0 pkg Scottish Ale (Wyeast Labs
RECIPE KITS: https://www.atlanticbrewsupply.com/search.asp?keyword=homebrew%20challenge CLAWHAMMER BREWING SYSTEM: http://www.clawhammersupply.com/?aff=5 FLEX+: https://spikebrewing.com/products/flexplus CF5 CONICAL: https://spikebrewing.com/products/cf5 MERCH: https://shop.spreadshirt.com/thehomebrewchallenge/ RECIPE FOR 5 GALLONS: 4 lbs Maris Otter 1 lbs English Extra Dark Crystal 8.0 oz Brown Malt 8.0 oz Caramel/Crystal Malt – 80L 8.0 oz Crystal 45 4.0 oz Chocolate Rye 4.0 oz Pale Chocolate 1.00 oz Fuggle [4.50 %]