Homebrew Beer Recipes

How to make an alcoholic Ginger beer home brew using the All Grain Pale Ale method. For 5 litres: 700g (73%) Maris otter malt 150g (16%) medium crystal malt 5g (1%)molasses or black treacle (one large teaspoon full) 100g (10%) cornflakes 13 g Fuggles hops at 60 minute boil 13 g Fuggles hops at flame
Learn to make ginger ale, our favourite bubbly ginger fermented soda. For this recipe, you’ll need to have ginger bug, a starter culture. You can learn how to make it here: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/uII1cunffKo Ingredients: – Water (2 l) – Lemon juice (100 ml) – Sugar (100 g) – Ginger bug (100 ml) – Fresh ginger (40
Flash brewing is a great way to produce iced coffee in record time. The key benefits, besides being fast, are that flash brewing uses same equipment and techniques you already have for brewing a hot coffee. In essence, you’re just swapping out some hot water for some ice. This video will give you an overview
Discover the art of crafting a delightful Elderflower Cocktail in this easy-to-follow tutorial! Learn the perfect blend of elderflower liqueur, gin, fresh lemon juice, and soda water to create a refreshing and floral-infused drink. Elevate your mixology skills and impress your friends with this elegant and delicious concoction #shorts #ytshorts #youtubeshorts #cocktailsindia Join Our Bartending
This recipe is a modified 4:6 Method of 40ml per pour for 200ml water. Perfect for a single cup! Read more at: https://artofbrew.coffee/how-to-brew-the-46-method-with-hario-v60/ Preparation: Hario V60 with CAFEC T-90 Medium Roast Paper Filter Grind Size: Coarse (80 clicks on 1Zpresso K-Plus) Water Temperature: 90° Brew Ratio: 1:15~ (13g, 200ml) Pour Sequence: 40-40-40-40-40 Pour Interval: 40sec
Summer Witte from Back Home Beer Whomever said you can’t have too much of a good thing was seriously misinformed! This week we bring out one of our favorite, female-owned, one-woman-show, unique-beer creator breweries, Back Home Beer, and their new Summer Witte, complete with black limes, orange zest, and supporting the @lgbtcenternyc with every beer
Homemade Pistachio Cream Recipe | Pistachio Filled Croissants | your queries : croosant re croissant recipe croissant recipe easy croissant review croissant recipe with puff pastry croissant recipe bangla croissant remix croissant recipe without yeast croissant recipe eggless croissant recipe malayalam croissant recipe at home croosant des croissant dessert recipe croissant dessert croissant dessert ideas
eRefresh Refreshing Cold Coffee Recipes for Summer| Easy Cold Coffee recipe just 5min|Cafe-Style lced Coffees #recpe#coffee#summerdrink spresso |baristadaily |specialtycoffee #coffeetime |coffeeshop |coffeeaddict #coffeelover |coffeeholic |coffeehouse #coffee_inst |coffeeshop |coffee #coffeelife |coffeebreak |coffeeprops #dalgona |dalgonacoffee |greekfrappe #frappe |icedcoffeekun foods|kun food recipes|cold coffee recipe|how to make cold coffee at home|tim hortons|tim hortons pakistan|coffee pakistan|how to make easy coffee
This is one of my favorite beer recipes. Super-dank citrus and piney notes with a modern twist. Cold IPAs— not to be confused with India Pale Lagers (IPLs)— get their name from the unique way they’re fermented. It’s mostly an ale recipe with a small addition of flaked rice BUT it’s fermented with lager yeast.
CHICKEN POT PIE RECIPE COOKED IN A CAMP CAST IRON DUTCH OVEN Article and PRINTABLE Recipe: https://beerandiron.com/chicken-pot-pie-recipe-camp-cast-iron-dutch-oven Heating the Camp Cast Iron Dutch Oven: https://beerandiron.com/how-to-heat-camp-cast-iron-dutch-oven/ Sulae’s Homemade Buttermilk Biscuit Recipe: https://beerandiron.com/beer-buttermilk-biscuits-cast-iron-recipe/ I love this recipe. It’s easy to prepare at home and have many of the ingredients ready for cooking in camp. This recipe has