Homebrew Beer Equipment

Z80 Single Board Computer “PC-84C0SA 20MHz” Implemented by Shisuibi – Grand Master Sorcerian – ★はじめに  ブレッドボードで作った初代&2代目Z80シングル・ボード・コンピュータが  KiCadで設計&PCBWayさん製作の本格的なプリント基板仕様に進化しましたw  SRAMのSとArduinoのAでPC-84C0SAと命名しました  愛称は菜摘(なつみ)ちゃんです(紫と金の基板が菜の花に見えたから) ★仕様         名称 PC-84C0SA 20MHz         愛称 菜摘(なつみ)     中央処理装置 ZiLOG Z80(CMOS版・Z84C00)     動作クロック 固定クロック 20 [MHz](水晶発振回路)            可変クロック 4・32・256・2K・16K・128K・1M・4M・8M [Hz](Timer4)      主記憶装置 SRAM 512KB(32KB下位バンク×16ページ)      入出力装置 Arduino Micro       通信装置 USBシリアル/SH-HC-08 BLE UART(iPhone側アプリ:AirTerminal)     補助記憶装置 microSDモジュール FAT16 2GBメディア      設計ソフト KiCad EDA 7.0.0     プリント基板 10cm×10cm 4層基板(1層:GND 2層:縦配線 3層:横配線 4層:+5V)       表面処理 ハンダマスク(紫) シルクスクリーン(白)      銅箔仕上げ ENIG(無電解ニッケル金フラッシュ)    ブートローダー 0010Hバイト(起動時にArduinoが直接SRAMへ書き込み)  BASIC インタプリタ 2000Hバイト(起動時にZ84CがArduinoからSRAMへ転送) ★部品リスト  BAR1・BAR2・BAR3・BAR4|Paialu 10セグメントLED 赤2黄3緑4青1             |https://amzn.asia/d/icFSwDX  C1・C2        |セラミックコンデンサ(22pF)  C3・C4・C5・C6・C7・C8|セラミックコンデンサ(100nF)  C9          |アルミ電解コンデンサ(100uF)
It’s not impossible to build your own DIY Electric brewery and expert home brewer Martin Brungard shows how he created one in this brief tour of his home brewery. Website: https://www.gourmetbrewing.com Support us: https://www.patreon.com/dougpiper Support via Affiliate Links (helps us a little, but costs you nothing) o Live Streaming Platform (Crowdcast) affiliate link: https://bit.ly/3JCevV6 o
In this video we explore the topic of grain crush! This is one of the first things to consider when you begin all-grain brewing. A proper grain crush ensures conversion of your mash, lauterability of your wort and consistency in your brews! It’s worth mentioning that this video is only a guideline and is not
Yup, I’m finished with sanitizing, washing, & filling all those little individual brown bottles! Picked up a simple keg kit from Northern Brewer (link below) and cannot be more pleased with it! Super simple, and cut my wait-to-try-time in half, at least. With this being my first time to keg a beer, I’m sure I
#homedistilling #distillalcoholathome #distillingforbeginners Geterbrewed have a range of home distilling equipment and essences to allow you to distill your own spirits at home , this is a beginner friendly home distilling overview to help you choose the right setup for you, checkout the products on the GEB websites here: https://www.geterbrewed.com/spirits/ https://www.geterbrewed.ie/spirits/ For the HOME BREWERS,
This live stream video discusses creating homebrew magic items as part of game master preparation. This is a game master guide and preparation method providing advice on: inspiration for creating magic items, how to create magic items, balancing magic items, general tips, advanced tips, miscellaneous recommendations and references. None of this content is official. I
As a Game Master that runs almost exclusively homebrew settings and storylines, incorporating pre published material into your world can be difficult. In this video I walk you through the process I take to adapt published work to my homebrew setting. Check out Amazing Encounters & Places Volume 1 on Kickstarter: https://bit.ly/2ZdiUMq 🔻CLICK FOR MORE🔻
Thanks for tuning in, friends! I hope you’re ready because it’s definitely time for yet another episode of our weekly Homebrew Happy Hour podcast!… THE home brew #podcast where we answer all of your home brewing questions and discuss anything related to craft beer! A SUBTLE REMINDER: If you appreciate the things we do here
H4L MERCH: https://bit.ly/32rMkb4 JOIN US LIVE: https://bit.ly/3vQjtr5 BUY US A BEER! https://streamlabs.com/thebrajcast1/tip 3/16 BEER LINE: https://amzn.to/3KmIL7g FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/2Q86kVp INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/3s6fYLA TWITCH: https://bit.ly/2wNjr5x Thank you for watching! H4L P.O Box 425 Carlsbad, CA 92018 #shorts #thehoppyhour #homebrew4life
BEER ME! https://streamlabs.com/thebrajcast1/tip JOIN US LIVE: https://bit.ly/3vQjtr5 H4L MERCH: https://bit.ly/32rMkb4 Favorites: Magnets: https://amzn.to/3x2wobV Spigots: https://amzn.to/3GDKPq0 Sanke Adapter: https://amzn.to/3wRN7xu POWER MOVE videos: 5. Keggle: https://bit.ly/3x2LBbO 4. Ferment in Corny: https://bit.ly/3NNntRu 3. Sanke to Corny: https://bit.ly/3O3Dxib 2. Dry Hop (no oxygen): https://bit.ly/3GBFsYA 1. Fermenter Build: https://bit.ly/3wU3MjY Production: Green Screen: https://amzn.to/39IHMk4 Studio Lights: https://amzn.to/3Ld66I8 FACEBOOK: https://bit.ly/2Q86kVp INSTAGRAM: https://bit.ly/3s6fYLA
Please support us by subscribing! We founded Tree House Brewing Company with a ten gallon Coleman cooler and a home equity line of credit. From there, we progressed to a Sabco Brew Magic system that we utilized to brew commercial batches for more than a year. After selling this kit in 2013, we were reunited
Sharing with you how I organization a multipurpose room/area (my garage) to accommodate home brewing equipment (and cooking gear as well) for easy in and easy out access. PLEASE throw me a bone by using my affiliate links if you plan to order these carts!! Blichmann Engineering KettleKart (Affiliate Link): https://www.morebeer.com/products/blichmann-kettle-kart.html?a_aid=BEERNBBQ Oceanstar 3-Tier Steel Heavy