This is a 5 litre batch I did to try out a new recipe, that you can find here, Stay tuned for a taste test.
In this culmination of my 5 to 10 gallon brewery upgrade project, I walk through the new brew system layout showing how the individual components (DIY mash lauter tun, DIY hot liquor tank, custom 20 gallon Spike Brewing kettle, pumps, valves, and hoses) work together to brew my first beer (an American Amber Ale) on
Making the Coopers DIY Beer Kit from start to finish, great beer the Australian lager, everyone enjoyed it! 🙂 Also due to regular comments please do not boil the malt tin, it may explode and sorry if the music is not to your taste, I won’t be changing it on this video but will make
This is how to take some simple apple juice, yeast and sugar and make a great wine-like beverage. It is very much like inmate brewing, but it’s make with apple juice, so it’s referred to as “hard apple cider”. Link to my inmate brewing video: All about Hydrometers:
Ben Cull shows us the most simple all grain brewing method, Brew in a Bag. He takes it one step further by cutting out all unnecessary steps, providing a perfect starting point for new brewers.
In this video, the steps involved in all-grain brewing at home; from grain to the fermenter are explained. Yeast calculator –
Our Brew Setup: Full Recipe Details: (Sloth) Session IPA #1: In this episode of “brewing beer” we feature an all-grain, hazy IPA homebrew recipe made with Idaho #7 hops and flaked rye. In fact, we only used Idaho 7 hops and added them all to the whirlpool and as dry hop addtions.
Please visit us at Today we are filtering and kegging my latest home brew.
I built an all grain home brewing system cause I like to drink.. And drinking is expensive… Unless you can make it yourself!!! Click SHOW MORE to see the list of parts. 2x Stainless Steel 62 qt Pots – 3x stainless Weldless Valve – 2x 12in. False Bottom Tubes – 2 x
Here’s how I make cheap and tasty cider from apple juice bought in my local super market. Give it a try and witness how easy it is. Let me know how you get on if you try it. For more of what I do check out my website
240v Brew System: We brewed a Citra hopped double IPA with our new 240 volt controller for this video. The controller has been a long time coming. We started developing this unit literally 9 months ago and are super happy to have it all wrapped up. It’s also in stock! So check the link
Homebrewing can be inspiring and fulfilling, though very challenging. Matt Mercer lays out a few tips and tricks for creating the best homebrew content you can. Subscribe to Geek and Sundry: Join our community at: Twitter: Facebook: Instagram: Google+:
Ingredients: ———— 5 lbs 2-row English Pale Malt (2.7 SRM) 2 lbs 8.0 oz Flaked Barley (1.4 SRM) 1 lbs Roasted Barley (558.8 SRM) 2.40 oz Fuggle Pellets [4.30 %] – Boil 60.0 min 1.0 pkg Irish Ale (Wyeast Labs #1084) Add 37.30 qt of water at 150.0 F over 60 min Mash Out: Heat
My brewing setup using converted kegs, HERMS coil, Blichmann auto sparge, chugger pumps, and a whirlpool immersion chiller.
Brooklyn Brew Shop shows you how to turn your micro-kitchen into a micro-brewery without making it look, feel, or smell like one.
Discover how easy it is to make your own kombucha! I’ve been making my own homemade brew for the past several years and in this video I’ll show you my recipe and process to create this delightful, sparkling beverage! Kombucha is made by naturally fermenting sweetened black tea (camellia sinensis) with a symbiotic culture of
“How to Brew” author John Palmer stops by Northern Brewer to brew an all-grain batch of a very special recipe. In our video, Palmer discusses his techniques for adding salts to brew water, mashing, batch sparging (versus fly sparging), chilling and fermentation. It’s a full-blown brew day with one of homebrewing’s most influential people. Grab
This is a guide on how to use barrels when home brewing, includes trouble shooting; What to check for when your barrel isn’t holding pressure and how to stop leaks.
A short tip on scaling your homebrew recipes and answer to a question I get regularly. Leverage my brewing recipe template to scale a recipe up or down. Watch the entire ‘Brewing Recipe Template: See something in one of my videos that you’d like to have too? Shop my Amazon Influencers Store: Buy
Here’s a video of my Spike Brewing Kettle in action as well as a recap of my typical brew day. I hope you enjoy!
Hey gang… today I brewed a Coopers Lager using the coopers DIY beer kit. However this beer making session is a little different… a Youtube friend of mine Ade swears that you can make really good tasting beer by following the instructions exactly that come with the coopers beer kit! As you will see he
Unboxing of a Brewers Best Apple Cider Select Kit
What could possibly go wrong when you’re brewing your own beer? Jeff Parker from The Dudes’ Brewery ( and Andy Black from MacLeod Ale Brewing Co. ( talk to us about getting started home brewing beer. If you like these videos as much as we love filming them, SHARE them with your friends. For
Here we show you how to brew a V60 pour over at home.
This Pale Ale checks both of the brewing beer “easy” options: it’s easy to make and easy to drink. Using four hops but in small amounts, this came out as a balanced and enjoyable Pale Ale. Recipe for a 5 gallon batch: 9lbs 2-row American Pale Malt 1lbs Carapils 1lbs Caramel 10 0.5oz Magnum (60
A brewday without the Speidel Braumeister, just with my old setup. Worked like a charm and love it.
Real Simple Brewer Host – Shane English – @shanefilm Song – Slow Burn – Kevin Macleod ( Technical Editor – Marshall And Ben Cull from MashHacks ( Recipe from —————– 5 Gallon Batch 8 lbs Pilsen Malt Extract .5 Aromatic .5 Wheat .25 lb Caramunich .10 Chocolate 2oz Tettnanger .5oz Goldings (Styrian) hops
Easy step by step guide to making cider at home. For more information about making cider please visit my website at
I LOVE my homebrew kombucha!! Gut-loving probiotics literally on tap for less than $1 per litre… who wouldn’t get on board? If you’re spending the time and money to eat nutritious food, you want to make sure you’re absorbing all that goodness! And if your gut health isn’t kicking goals those nutrients are simply going