HBW #104 How to make a low carb beer

Homebrew Beer Kits
This is the easiest method that I know to make low carb beer at home.
The final gravity achieved for this beer was 1.003.
The key ingredient is glucoamylase. And these can be bought at most home-brew shops for between $2-$3.
Ingredients used for this brew were:
– 1 can (1.7kg) Coopers Lager extract
– 500g light dry malt extract
– Saflager 34-70 yeast
– 1 sachet Mangrove Jacks Low Carb Beer enzyme (glucoamylase)
I finally managed to find a formula to work out the residual carbs in the beer. For this beer, the total remaining carbs was 1.4g/100mL.
Cheers 🍻