Homebrew Beer Guides

Check out Wanderer’s Guide to Merchants & Magic on Kickstarter! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/eventyrgames/merchants-of-magic-5e?ref=6n2aya Let’s get into some unofficial D&D products! My patrons voted and this time we’re talking about subclasses! So here are my Top 8 favorite homebrew subclasses. What’s your favorite? 🧛To enter the Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft Giveaway, click here: https://gleam.io/OLNUw/van-richtens-guide-to-ravenloft-giveaway 🧛 Introduction 00:00
#lager #pressureferment #homebrew #howto https://share.brewfather.app/x8OJaGOOiE6oXX Brewing a pilsner style lager under pressure and at warm (ale) temperature so that primary fermentation can be completed in under a week! This beer was in the keg in around 10 days and was drinkable straight away, another week or so cold conditioning and it was crystal clear and
Every time I talk about the purple baby, I get another curl in my hair. ————————————————————————————————————– Join my Discord if you wanna be a cool dude: https://discord.gg/9vwVxcm I stream on Twitch every Tuesday/Saturday at 6pm (EST): https://twitch.tv/davvychappy Hey! Give me money!: https://www.patreon.com/DavvyChappy Check me out on Twitter: https://twitter.com/DavvyChappy Check out my video editor, Emma, on
This inspirational guide gives a recommended list of beer styles and recipes that are great for the summer. Here is a list of the videos and recipes recommended in running order:- Bohemian Pilsner:- https://youtu.be/NWx_wPNsTTw Vienna Lager:- https://youtu.be/BYVcpKQLAVM Verdant IPA:- https://youtu.be/Wre4XX7cFko Verdant IPA double batch:- https://youtu.be/05r9MuRBzUI Pineapple Mango Raw IPA:- https://youtu.be/_VuUsM1Kp6o GrapeFruit Tropical IPA:- https://youtu.be/orKkr9JYD9Y NEIPA:-
Lauren Urban shows Todd Kenreck the many ways that you can customize spells on D&D Beyond, from changing damage and saving throws types, to removing class restrictions and using Content Sharing. Timestamps: 0:00 Intro 2:17 How to Manage Spells 5:21 Spellbook Management (Wizard) 8:42 Changing Spell Class Restrictions 18:16 Higher Level Scaling 21:39 Modifying Spells
Today we take D&D out of the old world, and into the new. Enter the Dungeon Pudcast: https://soundcloud.com/user-890348802/episode-0-setup https://player.fm/series/enter-the-dungeon-a-brotherly-pudcast https://play.google.com/music/listen?u=0#/ps/I5syw6rbdbfhfvavmjsfh6czqbe D&D Guns: D&D Fallout: Medic Background: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z3aPjbJntKFFhlCbCSYhdtEmQMwszDK9vHU3FqpNzDA/edit?usp=sharing Attorney Background: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1KX_EDv2oZpn4z5jb75pHdnb3i-L5LGiHXPsN1Tz-84c/edit?usp=sharing Mechanic Background: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jYtU1XHNYs0CPYnoEwh63xCGZr0iwLE0rsomVd190co/edit?usp=sharing Boy Scout Background: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1WlXppoapyBZrqVQg5fQIojHwfmPZ4VLGNZPuHa1adyM/edit?usp=sharing Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TAres1999
Today we return to the world of Fallout to start talking about applying the elements of the the best game in the franchise into Dungeons and Dragons. Gambling addiction help: https://gamblinghelp.org/get_help/gambling_addiction https://www.ncpgambling.org/help-treatment/national-helpline-1-800-522-4700/ Enter the Dungeon Pudcast: Original Fallout Video: Modern Day D&D Medic Background: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1z3aPjbJntKFFhlCbCSYhdtEmQMwszDK9vHU3FqpNzDA/edit?usp=sharing Follow me on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TAres1999
Learn a simple Chemex recipe from our friend @Brodie Vissers of The Nomad Barista. He will teach you the basics of brewing Chemex coffee but also some Pro Barista Tips & Tricks he learned over the years. 🔔 Subscribe to Brodie’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaodld-tlgYiAGZGzFtSNig 🔔 Subscribe to our YouTube channel: http://bit.ly/SubscribeToECT 🙌 📺 Watch AeroPress