Homebrew Beer Kits

I’m often drinking a Coopers home brew beer on my channel, so here’s how to make it. If you’re a photographer you may find my Lightroom Presets handy: http://www.bjwok.com/lightroomccpresets/lightroom-cc-presets-for-music-photographers/ Make A One-Time PayPal Contribution: ➜ https://www.paypal.me/GivesAMinute Gives A Minute Patreon: ➜ https://www.patreon.com/givesaminute Gives A Minute Merch: ➜ https://shop.spreadshirt.com.au/givesaminute Share this video: ➜ https://youtu.be/OIfBYyIAhf4 This is
Roe Sie, from the King’s Roost, shows you how to ferment your own beer at home, using a super fast and easy 2-gallon kit. All you need from your own kitchen is filtered water, a can opener, and a medium-sized sauce pan. Everything else comes with the kit. In a fraction of the time required