Kombucha Is Bad!! ⚠ (Here are some serious dangers of home-brewed Kombucha)

Homebrew Kombucha
Kombucha is bad for you. How bad is home-brewed kombucha? Or is kombucha good for your. Is it safe? Is it healthy? What is scoby? Fungus in kombucha?

WebMD.com says:
Kombucha, especially batches made at home where it’s hard to maintain a germ-free environment, can become contaminated with the fungus, Aspergillus and with bacteria, including anthrax.”

Also, home made Kombucha that is made in led-glazed ceramic pots, can cause led poisoning -which in not good.

Truth be told, home-brewed kombucha can be dangerous. The SCOBY in home-brewed kombucha, can have harmful types of bacteria and yeast growing in them; some of which will end up in the final product.

Also, kombucha can also be contaminated by, get this, unfiltered tap water. The SCOBY that’s necessary for creating kombucha is a, bio-sorbent. which means it binds to various contaminants and heavy metals.

Tap water contains trace amounts of heavy metals that the SCOBY will concentrate over time. Hence, leading to possible poisoning and other dangers.

Store-bought kombucha is pasteurized and tested to make sure that it’s safe. So, if you’re brewing your own kombucha at home. or getting home-brewed kombuchafrom someone else, you should consider if this kombucha is good for you.

I personally use only store-bought kombucha because I know that this kombucha is good for you….and it’s safe from the most dangerous side effects found in the home-brew.
REF: https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-538/kombucha

Thanks for watching!
#kombucha #kombuchabrewing #kombuchaisbad #kombuchaunhealthy #scoby #kombuchasideeffects

Want to know more about eating healthy? There are so many illnesses that can be managed and, even reversed with the right foods, herbs and home remedies. We hope to inspire you to eat healthy with the thought in mind that food is medicine.


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