The Sounds of Kombucha

Homebrew Kombucha
Sound on, eyes open! This celebrates the soothing sights and sounds of kombucha brewing. Want to learn about making this yourself? You can make your own homemade kombucha that’s more delicious and more affordable than what you can buy at the store — find all my free tutorials and tips here on the You Brew Kombucha YouTube channel and at

* For a list of all my recommended materials (for new brewers to build your own kombucha starter kit or for expert brewers to upgrade your materials):

*Order my book — The Kombucha Crafter’s Logbook — from Amazon:

* If you’re interested, watch my video on homemade CBD Kombucha, and find my favorite water-soluble CBD products at

FTC: This video is NOT sponsored. Amazon link is an affiliate link.