The Beer Chasers – Ep. 02 – Home brewing setup and brew

Homebrew Beer Equipment
On this episode we review the “Grand Reserve 17” beer from Unibroue and we go over the home brew process and brew our St. Bernardus ABT 12 clone using the ingredients we bought at the Sanford Homebrew shop during our visit on Episode 01.

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Special thanks:
Gary and Aaron at the Sanford Homebrew shop

St Bernardus 12 Clone Ingredients:
10#’s Pilsner malt
3.0 #’s Munich malt
1.0 #’s aromatic malt
0.5 #’s Carafa Special III malt
3.0 #’s Belgian candi syrup (Dark 2) (15 min boil)
3.5 AAU Wye Challenger hops (60 min boil )
1.3 AAU Styrian Goldings (20 min boil)
Wyeast 3787 (Trappist High Gravity) yeast
Wyeast 1762 Belgian Abbey II yeast

Mash with a 15 minute rest at 135 deg.F, a 35 minute rest at 145 deg F, a 25 minute rest at 165 deg F, and a 5 minutes at 172 deg F. Boil the wort for 60 minutes, adding hops and sugars at times indicated in the ingredient list. Cool wort and aerate. Pitch yeast at 70 deg. F. Let fermentation temperature rise to around 83 deg F. Rack beer to secondary and condition for six to eight weeks at 50 degrees. Bottle and allow to condition for six months.

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