Brewing Beer: Christmas Ale Homebrew

Homebrew Beer Equipment
Brewing Setup:

Here’s part II:
Full Recipe Details:

This is a Christmas beer from the olde world. Sweet, fruity, spicy, but also tart and tangy with a hint of funk.
We created this homebrew recipe by shamelessly ripping off Great Lakes Brewing Company’s Christmas Ale ingredients. They were nice enough to print them online, so why not.
We added a bit of a twist to our Christmas Ale by kicking everything off with a lacto kettle sour. We were shooting for “tart” but it definitely drifted into “mildly sour” territory.
We also ended up with a bit of funk in the flavor profile due to, most likely, brettanomyces. We used White Labs lacto bacteria, which is said to often contain some Brett. It actually tastes great, so we’re going with it.
We’ll link to the full recipe on our site once we’re done writing it up.

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