Strawberry Banana wine is still my favorite, but this blueberry cheesecake wine comes really close. 10/10 recommend.
3-4 pounds sugar + 3 cups water to make simple syrup
4-5 pounds frozen blueberries (crush them a little just to release the juices and tannins)
1 campden tablet
1 tsp yeast nutrient
1/2 tsp acid blend
1/2 tsp pectin enzyme
1/4 tsp wine tannin
Wine Yeast (I used about half the packet for one gallon batch and red star brand)
I also topped the water off just to bring the levels up and checked my potential alcohol percentage using a hydrometer. I’m still a novice so this was a test batch, but it came out it great! Feel free to tweak this recipe to your liking.
For back sweetening I used Torani cheesecake flavoring.
I also added bentonite in primary to help clear my wine.