Upgrade Your Home Brew Setup

Homebrew Beer Equipment
An overview of my home beer making setup and how I did it. Helpful tips on the brew day process and how to upgrade your setup to a 3 pot setup. Make your own beer at home, easier and more efficiently.

All Electric, 3 pot, 2 pump home brew setup.

Bayou Classic 10 gallon brew kettle: https://amzn.to/3S0fR1w
Happybuy pumps: https://amzn.to/3ShFbla
HERMS Coil: https://amzn.to/47ynsKs

One Way Out – T Shirt: https://www.downrangestore.com/shop/mens/one-way-out-t-shirt/

0:00 Intro
0:13 Kettles
1:02 Plumbing
2:09 Brew day Flow
4:41 Electronic Controller
5:21 Heating elements and probes
6:21 Wort Chiller
7:29 Deep Sink

#homebrew #diy #brewingequipment
Music: Bensound.com

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