Strawberry Wheat Beer – Recipe and Tasting – Brew Dudes

Homebrew Beer Recipes
When done right, a Strawberry Wheat is a most excellent fruit beer and it’s not hard to get right with our simple formula.

The simple key to strawberry wheat is to use 4lbs of frozen berries per 5 gallon batch. It seems to always work for us. Use a pretty plain ale recipe like blonde ale or a 50/50 wheat beer. Use a neutral ale yeast that stays out of the way of the berry flavors.

There you have it. We’ve been adding strawberries to summer beers in this way for years and it’s always a winner.


Check out our blog:

Strawberry Wheat Beer Recipe & Tasting

#StrawberryWheatBeer #HomebrewingFruitBeers #BrewDudes

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