Faster, Easier Home Brewing with Kveik Yeast: Transform Beer Fermentation!

Homebrew Beer Equipment
Join us as we delve into the fascinating world of home brewing in “Faster, Easier Home Brewing with Kveik Yeast: Transform Your Beer Fermentation”. This episode features an in-depth interview with John Palmer, a revered figure in the home brewing community. We’re at Home Brew Con 2023, an event not just for advanced brewers, but for all levels.

Here, we discuss the revolutionary Kveik Yeast, a Norwegian strain that ferments cleanly at significantly higher temperatures, offering a faster, simpler, and more accessible approach to brewing. We tackle all you need to know about this unique yeast strain – from flavor profiles to fermentation speed, and where you can purchase it. Perfect for beginners wanting to break into brewing, or seasoned brewers looking to explore new frontiers, this yeast is transforming home brewing as we know it.

Whether you’re a seasoned brewer or a newbie, you’ll find this guide incredibly useful. Check out the links in the description for resources, gear, and where to find Kveik Yeast for your next brew. Join the homebrew revolution today with this game-changing yeast! Be sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more brewing insights. Happy brewing!

Ingredients & Gear (Affiliate Links):
LalBrew® Voss Kveik Ale Yeast – Lallemand
Omega Yeast | OYL-071DRY Dried Lutra Kveik
White Labs Kveik Wet Hornidal
Omega Wet Yeast, Espe Kveik:
Omega Wet HotHead Kveik:
Imperial Wet Loki Kveik:
Bootleg Wet Oslo Kveik:
Palmer: How to Brew Book:

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0:00 Intro
1:00 HomebrewCon 2023
3:03 Easy Kveik Yeast
5:05 Kveik Yeast Sources
6:17 New Brewers & Kveik
7:44 Kveik Ingredient Tips
8:39 Pronounce Kveik
9:22 New in How to Brew Book
10:03 New Historical Brewing Series

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