I brewed at 10% beer recipe from the early/mid 1900s!

Homebrew Beer Recipes
This recipe was found by a friend’s neighbor, sitting in a box somewhere tucked away from a time well before home-brewing was legalized. It features a recipe utilizing malt syrup, sugar, and dry yeast. After some research, I decided to build a modern version and try it out!

Recipe was designed with the Beersmith and Brewfather apps.

My gear: (listed in order of appearance)

• Water Filtration: Carbon RV water filter
• Digital Mini scale, 200g
• Mash Tun: Anvil Foundry (6.5 gallon capacity)
• Grain Mill: Malt Master R2 Pro (modified with corded drill)
• Hop Strainer: LUCKEG Brand 300
• Fermenter: SS Brewtech 7gal conical with FTSS and FTSS extensions
• Hydrometer
• Keg: 2.6 Gallon Torpedo Slimline Keg
• 5 Gallon CO2 tank and regulator
• Custom built Keezer System with Intertap Taps

(Hydrometer, connectors, miscellaneous tubing purchased through MoreBeer)

If you decide to brew this batch, or want any more info on my equipment, process, or recipe, leave a comment and let me know how it turned out!

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