Quick & Easy Brewing: Muntons No Boil Hazy IPA Extract Kit

Homebrew Beer Kits
For a quick hoppy brew, I brewed this Hazy IPA kit from Muntons.

The kit is part of a new no boil, Flagship Range series they have available. I made the Hazy, Zesty, Fruity IPA kit. It comes in at about 5% ABV.

It certainly was hazy and it was packed with hop flavor and aroma. John noted that despite the nice orange color, it seemed a little flat in its malt flavor. It’s hard to tell what the extracts were used in this kit.

We theorize that maybe the lack of a boil has something to do with it, but maybe not.

We both really enjoyed the hop profile in the final beer and we’d definitely not hesitate to use a kit like this if you’re on a tight schedule and want to get something fermenting.


#noboilkits #muntonsipa #brewdudes

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