Brewhouse Beer Kits – Easily Make Tasty Beer At Home

Homebrew Beer Kits
In this video we show you how to easily make beer at home using a Brewhouse beer kit. These kits are what got Brad (co-owner of Grain To Glass) into the hobby many years ago. I highly recommend these kits to beginners as they aren’t to expensive, easy to brew and make great tasting beer.

If you are in Canada and looking for homebrewing supplies check out our online store where we ship out orders across Canada daily.

Shop Brewhouse beer kits here:

0:00 Introduction
0:12 What You Need To Make These Kits
1:10 What’s Included In The Kit
1:42 Making The Kit
3:20 Taking A Hydrometer Reading
3:53 Pitching The Yeast
5:27 Fermentation Temperature And Conclusion

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