American Amber Ale Tasting and Recipe – Homebrew Jar of Destiny – Brew Dudes

Homebrew Beer Recipes
Mikes latest Jar of Destiny beer is category 19A American Amber Ale.

This style is not brewed often enough anymore. This was an American staple in the early days of craft beer. Every brewer had one of these on draft and the range of what you could experience was pretty wide.

Generally speaking you want a malt forward beer that highlights a sweeter malt character than most beers. You want a hint of toastyness and you’ve got to get somewhere in between the Pale Ale and Brown Ale in color.

This beer makes use of darker Amber malt a touch of Crystal 80 and 120 malt. Most of the color is coming from some Black Patent malt. This style should be malty but not overly sweet. Mike went with a mash profile focused on attenuation. Good attenuation in this style helps you get maximum hop character without having to add so much hop material that it pushed into the red IPA range.

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