Root LG TV WEBOS | Install Homebrew on all firmware | Alternate App Store | Latest Method Jan 2023.

Homebrew Beer Equipment
Hi welcome to my channel…….
first thumbs up to GIT user thowaway96 for this guild…….

This tutorial demonstrates how to use a crashd vulnerability to root an LG TV. It is presently unpatched and compatible with webOS 4 and above (as of 2023-01-28). This indicates that your TV should be vulnerable as long as it is running webOS 4.0 or later (i.e., a 2018 model or newer). You have the following choices if you are using an earlier version of webOS…..

RootMyTV — works on most Firmware earlier than mid-2022……

GetMeIn – Only supports a select few SoCs……
Modifying debugstatus in the NVM — Involves opening your TV and directly accessing an EEPROM IC………….

First.. let me update the TV……

update complete………. before update software version is 03.33.27…………

restarting TV…….
quick check software version is now 03.34.55………..

Step 1. Enable Developer Mode………

Step 2. Download the required software……..

Step 3. Disable Quick Start+ on the TV…….

Step 4.Go to WebOS-Dev-Manager on PC and perform these steps……

Add device……..enter your host address and passphrase from the dev mode……..

install homebrew………. and confirm on the TV that it has been installed…….

Back on the WebOS-Dev-Manager, select files and jail_app.conf and delete……(The path shown at the bottom of the window should be /media/developer.)

Select Terminal and type….. touch /var/log/crashd/”x;telnetd -l sh” ……

At this point, restart the TV, i forgot to restart the TV and got the following errors….

Restart TV….

Select Terminal and type….. touch /var/log/crashd/”x;telnetd -l sh” ……

Step 5.install Putty………..

step 6. Uninstall developer mode app from TV home menu…………

STEP 7. Power off your TV. Make sure Quick Start+ is disabled……

Step 8. Confirm that “Root status” in Homebrew Channel……

Step 9. Turn on SSH in Homebrew Channel and restart……..

Enjoy your rooted TV!

video for the other methods can be found here:

To add Homebrew Repo:


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