Home Brew Hoppy Cider @ 7.4% ABV: Full Film With Ingredients, Recipe, Racking, Bottling & Tasting

Homebrew Cider
Home Brewing a Hoppy Cider at 7.4% ABV: Full Film With Ingredients, Recipe, Racking, Bottling & Tasting – https://youtu.be/bFtDNu6348Q .

Hey folks! In this film I’ll be using home grown apples and home grown hops to make a fruity and floral hoppy cider, which comes in at a decent 7.4% ABV.

The film begins with me showing you 6kg of windfall apples from my garden. These are chopped and gently steamed to soften them, before I push them through a sieve to make a smooth apple pureé.

Then I go out into my garden and show you my cascade hop vine, which is very long an strong and covered in hop flowers. I pick enough hope for the brew before putting them in a pan with spring water and simmering them to make a hop tea.

This is left overnight before being strained and added into the fermentation vessel, which is a Kegland Flat Bottomed Fermzilla with spring water.

The apple puree is diluted with spring water and 3kg of brewing sugar are added to it, before it is brought to a simmer and then cooled.

This is added to the fermenting vessel along with Lalvin 71-B yeast, yeast nutrient and pectolase.

This ferments very quickly and is then racked into demijohns to finish fermenting. It is bottled into 18 750ml champagne bottles and then left to condition for 2 months.

Upon opening and tasting on brew day 121, the cider is extremely delicious. It is a medium dry with a distinct hoppy-elderflower flavour, this is one of the best ciders that I have made and it will make a lovely Summer drink for the garden. Cheers folks!!

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My latest book ‘My Banana Journey’ is out now and available globally through Amazon, search for it on your local Amazon site. UK customers see here: https://www.amazon.co.uk/My-Banana-Journey-Stuart-Moss/dp/152729773X/ .

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This film is a Moss Home and Garden production – www.mosshomeandgarden.co.uk

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Thank you!! *thumbs up*

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