Cranberry Blonde Homebrew Recipe and Review

Homebrew Beer Recipes
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Cranberry Blonde Homebrew Recipe and Review

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You probably assume that we watch other homebrew youtubers, and you would be correct. Mike ran across a video on @FloraBrewing ’s channel where she was making a cranberry blonde. I know, you’re probably thinking “Why are you posting about a Cranberry Beer now? It’s not October / Winter?” and you would be right, but hey, set a reminder to check this out next year. Or even better, buy your cranberries now and freeze them so you can brew early.

In any case, the recipe looked good, and it the beer sounded like something Mike would like, so Mike decided to brew it.
Here’s a link to Flora Brewing’s Cranberry Blonde Recipe

There was a little bit of difference in what she said in the video, and what was in the actual recipe, Mike took some liberties, and came up with the recipe you can find here.

Cranberry Blonde Homebrew Recipe – All Grain

One note, I might have hosed up the pectin enzyme, she was using a liquid, and what I had was a powder, in any case, so the first couple of pints were really bitter and tart. After working through those first few pints it leveled out and was quite enjoyable. The final product has some cranberry color, and the cranberry tartness, but I pick up a lot of lemon and lime. Coming in at 4.8% it’s still an enjoyable and refreshing beer. When I brew it again, I probably will skip the late addition hops, and then use a lot more cranberries to get that flavor.

Mike mentions that recently Flora Brewing and The Homebrew Challenge have been doing a number of collaboration videos.
The Gose Challenge with Flora Brewing – @TheHomebrewChallenge

They also did a collab where they made a clone of La Fin Du Monde. Here’s part

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