Cider Making @ Home: Racking our hard cider!

Homebrew Cider
Welcome back! In this video, David and I rack our first batch of hard cider.

Racking is the process in which you move the cider from one vessel to another. There are 2 types of racking: Primary racking is done to separate the lees and spent yeast. Secondary racking is done to clear the cider and reduce off flavors.

Only a few more weeks before we bottle and taste test!

Music: Upbeat feel good, Electro-pop on Premiere Pro
Hello! We’re David & Rachel, a couple who has decided to grab life by the horns and start something amazing. Join us on our journey as we follow our dreams and start our own Cidery, Heartwood Ciders!
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Thank you for your support 🙂

#Apple #Cider #Homebrew

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