Home Brewing A Buck’s Fizz (Mimosa) Flavoured Hard Cider at 8.4% ABV (Turbo Cider Method)

Homebrew Cider
Home Brewing A Buck’s Fizz Flavoured Hard Cider at 8.4% ABV (Turbo Cider Method): https://youtu.be/cXn35NkePNk .

Hey folks, in this film, I’ll be making a Buck’s Fizz flavoured hard apple cider using apple juice from concentrate (the turbo cider method) and dissolved boiled buck’s flavour sweets.

The sweets are dissolved in spring water with a couple of tea bags added for tannins, this is then combined with the apple juice in a demijohn, along with pectolase and yeast nutrient. Finally Lalvin ICV D47 yeast is added for fermentation.

The film includes all stages of the brewing process, including ingredients, recipe, fermentation, bottling, opening and tasting.

The end result is a delicious and fruity medium dry cider at 8.4% ABV. Hope you enjoy the film, cheers folks!

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This film is a Moss Home and Garden production – www.mosshomeandgarden.co.uk

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Thank you!! *thumbs up*

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