Easily Calculate ABV of Homebrew Mead, Wine, Cider and Beer (how much alcohol did you make?)

Homebrew Cider
What’s My ABV? Figure out Alcohol % in Mead, Wine, Cider and Beer. It’s pretty simple really (OG-FG)X135=ABV%. But what does that mean? What is Original Gravity? When should I take a reading? What is Final Gravity? What if I backsweeten my mead? How do I know?

Further discussion on ABV: https://youtu.be/NpBZctKaPis
Graduated Cylinder: https://amzn.to/3V1DyG7
Hydrometer: https://amzn.to/3FC7Idk
Baster: https://amzn.to/3BGRgHO
Fun T-shirts: https://city-steading.com/product-category/t-shirts/

Some items used in the making of this video (We are Amazon Affiliates and as such do receive a small commission if you purchase anything after using one of our links. There is no cost to you for this, but it does help the channel and enables us to keep bringing you content. Thank you!)
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