Home Brewed American Lager with Rice Adjunct: Tasting, Recipe, and Yeast Comparison

Homebrew Beer Recipes
The tasting video on my American Lager made with rice adjunct similar to Budweiser, but this is no Bud. This is “Better Than Bud”!

Also, two different yeast strains were used; Saflager W-34/70 and Wyeast 2007 Pilsen. See which yeast strain WE think was the better one!

Previous related videos:
Live Stream Brew Day: https://youtu.be/kpjT1ql8M1Y
Live Chat Discussing Rice in Beer: https://youtu.be/WeHH5DXBEw8
Cereal Mashing Process: https://youtu.be/YwY481wcHJs

American Lager Beer Recipe:
Excel: https://beernbbqbylarry.com/BNBFiles/American_Standard_Rice_Lager_20220704.xlsx
PDF: https://beernbbqbylarry.com/BNBFiles/American_Standard_Rice_Lager_20220704.pdf

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