Intro to Field Guide to Mfecane, a Lancer HOMEBREW Supplement

Homebrew Beer Guides
So, this is the second review I made on another Lancer homebrew supplement, the Field Guide to Mfecane.

Field Guide to Mfecane is a homebrew third-party supplement for Lancer, which features the aforementioned Mfecane, an intergalactic civilisation that dwell beyond the Maluti line guided by a NHP named Shaka. This supplement includes new frame from the Mfecane, talent, exotic gears, campaign hooks, even including a couple maps!

You can get it on itch io right now, ( ) and it seems like more updates will be coming to the Field Guide very soon!

Anyway, I hope you guys like these new series of review videos on the homebrew supplement for Lancer made by the Lancer community, as more will be coming soon!

Field Guide to Mfecane recently had an update that further improves the writing, layout, and more, go check it out!




The content of the video is purely for parody. All artworks, images, music, sounds and anything that aren’t directly created by me belong respectively to their rightful owners.

#LancerRPG #Homebrew #Mfecane

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