BELGIAN DUBBEL Recipe [+ Flavoring Your Home Brew with Cherries]

Homebrew Beer Recipes
Belgian beers are easy to make and great beginner beers since you don’t need to worry so much about fermentation temperature, much like today’s beer the Belgian Dubbel. A more complex malt background balances the esters and phenols created by fermentation. Plus I will split this batch and flavor one with Cherries to play with those stone fruit notes!

Recipe for 5 gals (18.9L):
-6 gals (22.7L) Water
-1 gal (~3.8L) Sparging water
(adjust salt additions based on your water)
-Gypsum, Calcium Chloride, Epsom Salt, Baking Soda
-64% Belgian Pilsner [~8 lbs]
-24% White Wheat [~3 lbs]
-4% Special B [~8 oz]
-8% Candi Syrup — Preferably D-90 (at end of boil)
– 1.5oz (~43g) Willamette @30 min
-White Labs WLP530 Abbey Ale
Mash @ 152ºF (~67ºC) for about 45 mins
Boil for about 30 mins
Ferment around 69ºF (20.5ºC) for 7-10 Days
-1 LB (454kg) Frozen Cherries into half of the beer in a keg
Original Gravity: 1.066
Final Gravity: 1.010
ABV: 7.4%
IBUs: ~26

EQUIPMENT (Affiliate Links):
Grain Bag:
Candi Syrup:
Big Mouth Bubbler (Fermenter):​
Food Safe Sanitizer: ​
Brew Cleaner:
Mini Keg:

Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links and I receive a commission if you visit a link and buy something on my recommendation. Purchasing via an affiliate link doesn’t cost you any extra, and I only recommend products and services I trust. All opinions are my own.

0:00 Intro
0:25 Belgian Dubbel
1:28 Brew Day
4:16 Fermentation
5:17 Split Batch
6:16 Tasting

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