Cinnamon Hard Cider without Homebrew Equipment

Homebrew Cider
Hello to everyone and Phil and Sharon 🙂

This a quick video showing you that you don’t need all the kit to have a go at homebrew, I have made a Cinnamon version of the details that Phil has- I follwed all the steps. All that changed is I used a 2 Ltr Fizzy Water Bottle instead of a 5Ltr Water container. I still used Allineson Bakers yeast (65p) lol in there and of the 4 brews that I made this week this has the better yeast head at present with the yeast still loving the party :).
I am looking forward to seeing what the taste is like though
Almost forgot used a Balloon for a airlock works a treat at present (made a couple of pin holes in the top)

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