Create dnd homebrew classes like an ABSOLUTE UNIT! Part 1: designing for a core tension!

Homebrew Beer Guides
Have a question? We are Game Design Academia! A group dedicated to a higher quality, more accessible game design education. Join us on Discord!

You can find this class on the Dungeon Master’s Guild! If you’d like it, or would like to support the work, check it out!

This is all about creating better dnd homebrew classes! Game design is a lot more than throwing a few stats together then just playing it a lot and making whatever changes feel right, and there’s no reason not to extend that to dnd! A professional game design process is a concerted, directed effort from start to finish. But how does that process look if you DO decide to apply it to dnd, even if it’s “just” homebrew?

Sit down shut up and I’m gonna learn you how ya can stop building homebrew classes like a hobbyist, and start building homebrew classes like a game designer!

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