Victor’s Drinks 20 Pint Apple Cider Home Brewing Kit

Homebrew Cider
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Sick of the boring drinks on offer at your supermarket or off-license? Perhaps you’re also tired of paying the Chancellor of the Exchequer more than its far share of tax on booze. Time to brew your own.

Ideal for those who have a penchant for Cider, this Victor’s Drinks Home Brewing set is perfect and you will have cider after three easy steps. All you do is unscrew the lid at the top, add 18 pints of warm water, the sachet of yeast provided, wait 10 days and 20 pints of glorious apple cider ready to enjoy in 10 days. Voila — or rather Cheers! You can’t beat the taxman on many things, however at approximately £1.25 per pint this will make you drink your own with pride.

It also worth noting these following tips to ensure you get the most out of your brew.
Make sure that the cap is not removed during the brewing process
Where possible, try not to move your box before drinking.
And, don’t overfill your box! Remember, less is more.

Are you planning on holding barbecues all summer long or even planning on a party? This would be ideal and very cost effective too. Come the winter months, you can also try mulling your cider. Tap it out into a pan, add cinnamon, a slice of orange studded with two cloves and a teaspoon of maple syrup. Warm through and enjoy in front of a fire while it snows outside. Lovely! The perfect drink for all year round.

No mess, no fuss, no keeping a home brew distillery in the back shed or kitchen either.
What’s inside the Box?

All you need to do is add water. Everything else is provided..Inside the box are special cider apples. Resting on top of the cap is the yeast sachet. And on top of the box is a handy funnel so that you can keep your box dry.

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