Home Brew: Apple and Pineapple Cider, 6.8% ABV (Turbo Cider Method, 5 Litre Brew)

Homebrew Cider
Home Brew: Apple and Pineapple Cider, 6.8% ABV (Turbo Cider Method, 5 Litre Brew) https://youtu.be/wk-iNFF35Sc .

Hey folks, in this short film I’ll be making an extremely simple apple and pineapple turbo cider, which I brew in a 5 litre fermentation vessel (FV). The recipe is extremely simple as follows: add 4 litres of apple juice from concentrate to the FV followed by one litre of pineapple juice from concentrate. To this, add a heaped teaspoon of Lalvin EC1118 champagne, sparkling wine and cider yeast.

This was left to ferment for 36 days, it fermented fast and furiously to begin with then gradually slowed down.

I bottled the cider straight from the FV without clearing it, I add priming sugar to the FV so that the end product had a sparkle.

I left this to condition and carbonate for 7 weeks before opening. Upon opening the cider was extremely well carbonated and had a very crisp and dry flavour. It tasted very clean, although the pineapple flavour wasn’t obvious and if I make this again, I will back flavour with pineapple flavouring, just so that the pineapple taste is more noticeable.

This will be my last brewing film for a while as I have nothing else ready to open, but there will be plenty more to watch this Autumn. Cheers!

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This film is a Moss Home and Garden production – www.mosshomeandgarden.co.uk

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Thank you!! *thumbs up*

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