Home Brew: Apple and Honey Turbo Cider Brewed in a Demijohn

Homebrew Cider
Home Brew: Apple and Honey Turbo Cider Brewed in a Demijohn – https://youtu.be/AOq3gQxIQCE

Hey folks, in this short film I’ll be making my first ever home brewed turbo cider. Turbo ciders are ciders that are made of apple juice from concentrate, with whatever additions you’d like to add. In this case I added a jar of honey, the purpose of which was to increase the alcohol by volume (ABV).

The brewing process was very simple, add 4 litres of apple juice from concentrate to a demijohn. Boil a teabag in a small amount of water, before adding the honey. The teabag is supposed to add tannins into the cider (I’m not sure if it made a difference or not).

The honey tea was then added into the demijohn with Lalvin champagne and cider yeast. Fermentation was fast and furious, taking only a couple of weeks.

The original gravity was 1.066 and the final gravity was 1.000, making a final ABV of 8.66%.

The video goes through the entire brewing process, including wort preparation, fermentation, clearing, bottling and finally sampling.

The end result was a very tasty medium sweet cider, with a huge apple scented bouquet and a good high quality cider flavour.

This was my first turbo cider, but I can promise that it won’t be the last! Cheers!!

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This film is a Moss Home and Garden production – www.mosshomeandgarden.co.uk

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Thank you!! *thumbs up*

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