Home Brew: Apple and Vanilla Turbo Cider, Brewed in a Demijohn, 9.7% ABV

Homebrew Cider
Home Brew: Vanilla and Apple Cider, Brewed in a Demijohn, 9.7% ABV https://youtu.be/gap5bXJy95k .

Hey folks, in this film I’ll be making a high ABV vanilla flavoured cider via the turbo cider method of using apple juice from concentrate as the key ingredient. Besides that, this brew also contains golden syrup, spring water, MyProtein Vanilla Flavdrops and Lalvin Champagne, Sparkling Wine and Cider Yeast.

The recipe is as follows: warm some spring water in a glass to body temperature in the microwave, then add a heaped teaspoon of yeast to this and set it to one side while the yeast activates.

Add some spring water into a saucepan and to this add the golden syrup, bring the water to a simmer until the golden syrup has melted.

Add the apple juice into the demijohn, followed by the golden syrup spring water, add 25 drops of MyProten Vanilla Flavdrops into the demijohn, then pour in the yeast water.

Leave to ferment until the airlock in the demijohn stops bubbling, it too 3 weeks for mine reach this point.

Once fermentation has ended clear the cider with finings, I used Youngs ClearIt Wine Finings, leave the cider to stand until completely clear.

Bottle the cider with carbonation drops (one per 250ml) and more MyProtein Vanilla Flavdrops (approximately three drops per 250ml).

Leave the bottles somewhere warm for 14 days, and then open and enjoy!

This is my favourite flavoured turbo cider to date, it really is delicious. The vanilla flavour has masked the dryness giving it a sweet taste, which disguises the fact that this is a 9.7% cider.

I’m definitely going to make this one again, and recommend it, cheers!

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This film is a Moss Home and Garden production – www.mosshomeandgarden.co.uk

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