DIY HomeBrew: Brewer’s Best American Amber Brew Kit | Brewing From Start to Finish | Pour & Taste

Homebrew Beer Kits
DIY HomeBrew: Brewer’s Best American Amber Brew Kit | Brewing From Start to Finish | Pouring and Taste Test.I purchased this great kit from Amazon. I’ll post the link below. It turned out really good and it comes with the recipe kit as well. It comes with grains, dry malt extract, hops, yeast, brew bag, liquid malt extract and priming sugar. To get started I poured a couple gallons of filtered water into my brew pot on the stove. I brought the water to approx 155 degree F not to exceed 165F for steeping the grains. I placed the grains in the grain and steeped them in the 155 F water for about 1/2 hour to 45 min. This created my wort. I then brought my wort to a boil and added my liquid malt extract and dry malt extract and hops. I let this maintain a slow rolling boil for an hour then cooled it down all the way. You can use a wort chiller or you can let it cool naturally but it takes a looooong time if you do it this way. Once cooled I put it into my Cooper’s DIY fermenter. I then pitched the yeast and added it to the wort. I let it sit for 2 weeks in a cool and dark area. Then it was time to bottle. I mixed and added the priming sugar to it and then bottled it. I let the bottles sit for a minimum of 2 weeks. After 2 weeks it wasn’t bad, however, it was best after sitting in the bottle for a month. The carbonation and taste was at it’s best after a month.

Brewer’s Best American Amber Amazon Link:

Wort Chiller:

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