How I Brew 1 Gallon of Kombucha

Homebrew Kombucha
Hey Everyone!

Today I am showing you how I brew 1 gallon of Kombucha. It is basically the same as my method of brewing a half gallon. I am not an expert and there may be other home brewers who disagree with what I do, but this is the method that works for me so I’m doing it.

Check out that video here:

1 cup white sugar
6 black tea bags
– add in cold filtered water to bring down temperature around 70-75 degrees F

1.5 cups starter liquid and SCOBY once temp is down below 80F

Brew some sweet tea with the ingredients above. Let this cool a little, remove the tea bags and add in cold filtered water. I recommend straining the tea before brewing but this is optional, it helps from getting weird tea residues on your SCOBY. Once the temperature has reduced to around 75 degrees F, You may add your starter liquid and SCOBY. If you add the SCOBY and starter liquid too soon (when its too hot) you might end up killing your SCOBY and brew. Cover with a tightly woven cloth and place somewhere warm and dark (out of direct sunlight). I keep mine in the pantry. it is also recommended to keep kombucha brews away from other fermenting items as it may take on the taste of that item.

*****DO NOT TOUCH the brew for the first few days- let the SCOBY acclimate to its new home

1 gallon brews are generally ready in about 10-14 days but this can vary depending on the amount of sugar you put, temperature, and how tart you like the kombucha. I personally let mine brew about 14-15 days as it can be too sweet.

I also do add in more sugar than other brewers because i personally prefer it more on the sweet side. But you can also do about 1/2 cup of sugar, the brew may be done a little sooner in that case.

Check out my Instagram!

Links to Items Shown in this Video:
The Big Book of Kombucha (The one I read before brewing):

Metal ladle:

Stainless Steel Funnel with mesh strainer:

Swing top bottles:

Half Gallon Jars:

1 Gallon Jars (similar to the ones I have- not exact):

The Kombucha Shop heating wrap (pink):

Craft A Brew Heating Wrap (Green Bee):

Silicone Pot Holders:

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