How to make Hard Cider from Apple Juice and Keg it.

Homebrew Cider
This video shows the process of fermenting apple juice that you can buy for about $3.50 a gallon from Costco.

Please see the Amazon links for products used in the video:

What you need to brew cider:
EC-1118 Champagne yeast –
#10 stopper –
Airlock –
Siphon –

Open the apple juice, dump in the yeast (each packet is good for ~5 gallons, so break it up if you are doing 1 gallon at a time).
Dump out a little juice to have about a 1″ gap, put in the stopper & then the airlock.

When the cider goes clear & stops bubbling, you know it is done. Chill down in the fridge for a few days, then siphon to another container (Keg / Bottles / Etc).

If you are kegging, you need the following:
Complete keg kit –

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