Cream Ale Beer Recipe I Design a Beer Cream Ale | Castle Malting TV

Homebrew Beer Recipes
Welcome to our three-part series, where we will look at how to design three different beers! In this video you will learn cream ale beer recipe. Subscribe to get the latest updates:

Cream ale is a distinctly American beer style that is refreshing and smooth. Cream ale beers were developed around the beginning of the 20th century in response to the rising popularity of various lager beers being brewed by German immigrants. It has enjoyed a resurgence recently as many microbreweries have taken up the style and even improved upon the Cream ale beer recipes. Watch the video and learn the recipe of your good old cream ale beer.

#CraftBeer #CreamAle #CastleMalting

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Castle Malting, the oldest malting plant in Belgium and one of the oldest in the world, located in the vicinity of the splendid castle of Beloeil, offers a wide range of base and specialty malts of the highest quality, allowing brewing any beer style from Pilsen and White, to the darkest Abbey and various organic beers.

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