Homebrew Belgian Pale Ale Full Brew Day & Recipe

Homebrew Beer Recipes
I’m up in Washington (have been for a while now but video editing takes a minute) for quarantine and this is the first beer I ever brewed up here! Honestly, I was pleasantly surprised. For not treating water, controlling temperature or really doing anything I usually spend time worrying about, we made a solid brew! I’ve already remade this one because it turned out so nice. This one is proof you don’t need fancy equipment with all the bells and whistles to make great tasting beer (we finished the keg in a week so it was obviously a favorite even over the amazing PNW IPAs we have in our fridge).

You’ll be seeing more of my next door neighbors in the upcoming videos (until the shutdown ends anyway) we’ve become a quarantine family so we don’t go lose our minds up here in the woods. I’ve never had this much help brewing before and I think I’m already getting spoiled.

Brew in a Bag bag: https://amzn.to/2TnKD7b
Dark Star Burner: https://amzn.to/3bFZLTC
Big Mouth Bubbler Fermenter: https://amzn.to/2yfaqa8
Refactometer: https://amzn.to/39Hd45A
Brewfather App: https://bit.ly/38JXW7t

Dog Treat Recipe:
2 cups spent grain (make sure there’s no hops, they are poison for pups)
1 cup flour
1/2 cup peanut butter
oil to grease the pan
2 eggs
Bake at 300º(149ºC) for 3 hrs or until not squishy. They’ll last unrefrigerated for months if you get all the water out.

Beer Recipe:
Belgian Pale Ale
6.2% (Actual 7.4%) / 16.6 °P
Recipe by
Flora Brewing

All Grain BIAB (No sparge)
Batch Volume: 4.5 gal
Boil Time: 60 min

Boil Volume: 5.35 gal (Actual 5.5gal)
Pre-Boil Gravity: 1.061 (actual 1.063)
Original Gravity: 1.068 (actual 1.081… I have no idea how this happened as you will see in the video)
Final Gravity: 1.021 (Actual 1.025)
IBU (Tinseth): 31
Color: 4.6 SRM
Mash Efficiency 87.5%
Brewhouse Efficiency 95% (this seems like it should be wrong!)

Temperature — 152 °F (66.5ºC) — 45 min, strike water 157º (69.5ºC)

Malts (10 lb 6 oz)
10 lb (96.4%) — Briess Brewers Malt 2-Row — Grain — 1.8 SRM
4 oz (2.4%) — Briess Caramel Malt — Grain — 10 SRM
2 oz (1.2%) — Cargill (Gambrinus) Honey Malt — Grain — 25 SRM

Hops (3 oz)
1 oz (20 IBU) — Tropica 8.8% — Boil — 20 min
1 oz (5 IBU) — Julius 6.6% — Boil — 5 min
1 oz (7 IBU) — Tropica 8.8% — Boil — 5 min

8 g — Lemon Peel — Boil — 5 min

1 pkg — Fermentis S-33 SafBrew Ale

Primary — 68 °F — 14 days
Force carbed (shake method 5min shake @ 30psi)

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