Homebrew Mistakes – How NOT to Make Wine Cider and Mead (Top Ten Things NOT to Do!) 2020

Homebrew Cider
Homebrew Mistakes. In this video we show you how NOT to make Wine Cider and Mead. Well, how to mess it up really. There’s a lot of ways homebrewing can go sideways and ruin your wine, cider and mead, and we aim to give a few pointers on how NOT to make bad wine, cider and mead. If you think I’m saying wine cider and mead a lot, it’s because the YouTube Algorithm likes it that way. Our channel is all about wine, cider and mead making so we want to tell YouTube exactly that. So, if you’re new at wine cider and mead making, you might want to watch this video and take some of our advice. Of course, as always, your homebrewing results may vary.

Homebrewing should be fun, and uncomplicated. We discuss the process of home brewing wine, cider and mead and some of the pitfalls to avoid. There’s a little tongue and cheek humor there too, as always. The craft of making wine, cider and mead belongs in the home, and we aim to bring that information to everyone so they can make delicious brews for family and friends and of course, themselves! There’s no secret voodoo to homebrewing and it doesn’t take a lot of equipment to get started. For about $50 you can begin this hobby, and keep that equipment for years of use.

Here’s a couple of our other new brewer videos to give more information:
Our New Brewing Playlist: http://www.newbrew.city-steading.com
Why Bother Measuring?: https://youtu.be/NDgyE45zcGo
Natural Brewing: https://youtu.be/iqTZuOliDoI
Some links to items used in the Video. We are Amazon Affiliates and as such receive a small commission if you purchase anything on Amazon using our links. There is no additional cost to you but it does help the channel grow:

Brew Like A Viking t-shirt: https://city-steading.com/product/brew-like-a-viking-short-sleeve-unisex-t-shirt/ 
Sunshine and Whiskey t-shirt: https://amzn.to/3g4nFuG 
Star San: https://amzn.to/2Vz2Tvc 
Blazing Saddles: https://amzn.to/3dPBLhU 
Brewing Sugars Explained: https://youtu.be/21ZVCE0owMo 
Airlocks: https://amzn.to/31vgRSQ 
Hydrometer: https://amzn.to/3in0v4P 
Graduated Cylinder: https://amzn.to/3eNSUd1 
Auto Siphon: https://amzn.to/2CUOyD4
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