Will Bins His Home-Brew MX-5 Supercharger Setup In The Hunt For More Power

Homebrew Beer Equipment
Will brings his home-brew M62 supercharged NB1 MX-5 Miata into the workshop for a build breakdown. What Leigh doesn’t know is that Will has already removed the supercharger in his hunt for more power. Once the cat is out of the bag, all hands are on deck to help him work on his MX-5.

Products mentioned in this video
Garrett GT2560R Turbocharger https://bofiracing.co.uk/garrett-gt2560r-turbocharger/
Ultralite UL12 Alloy Wheels https://bofiracing.co.uk/ultralite-ul12-15×8-25-et20-4×100-bronze/


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