Chop & Brew – Episode 38: Homebrewing with Tea

Homebrew Beer for Beginners
Homebrewing with tea adds new and complex flavors to your homemade beer. In this episode of Chop & Brew, Chip and tea-minded homebrewer Jessica Hanley look at different methods for using tea in beer while tasting several examples from Jessica’s homebrewery and a commercial example from Summit Brewing Company. [Original postdate: August 11, 2015]

Related Links:

Lagniappe: Homebrewing with Tea – more tea homebrew wisdom from Jessica Hanley and other recommended reading regarding caffeine in beer

More Wisdom for Homebrewing with Tea

TeaSource – amazing Twin Cities-based tea purveyor and resource for tea; ships tea anywhere!

Chop & Brew Online Superstore

Blog/Video: Summit Brewing Company – Unchained 19: Make It So

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