🥃 Yields: about 8 cups of kombucha (first fermentation)
🍾 Fermentation Time:
+ First fermentation: about 7 to 14 days
+ Second fermentation (optional): about 2 – 4 days
👩🍳 Kombucha Tea Ingredients:
+ ½ cup kombucha starter tea (previous batch)
+ 8 cups of filtered water (bamboo charcoal filter for zero waste option)
+ 12 grams (or 3 tbsp.) of loose organic black tea (or green)
+ 1 cup plain white cane sugar
👉 Read about 🥃🍾 How To Make Homemade Kombucha Tea 🥃🍾. here: https://www.permacrafters.com/how-to-make-homemade-kombucha-tea/
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✨ Conscious Cleaning 101 Course | http://bit.ly/2APfWRg
🌱 Sprouts & Microgreens: Homegrown Living Foods Course | http://bit.ly/2GD7GGG
💄 Zero Waste Body Care & Cosmetics | http://bit.ly/2VgsNBS
🥀 Zero Waste Period Course | http://bit.ly/2SxVyYw
🌿 Herbal Remedies for Common Ailments Course | http://bit.ly/2FUnXVF
♻ Secondhand Living Course | http://bit.ly/2LHnitk
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▸ Environmental Activism Ebook | https://bit.ly/3dbJ302
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▸ Secondhand Living Ebook | https://bit.ly/3chAIXv
▸ Herbal Remedies Ebook | https://bit.ly/2ztfGYx
▸ Zero Waste Body Care & Cosmetics Ebook | https://bit.ly/3c78Y7P
▸ Sprouts & Microgreens Ebook | https://bit.ly/2zBZB2w
▸ Zero Waste Period Ebook | https://bit.ly/2AiIanC
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I hope you loved learning how to make your own kombucha. Please share your kombucha brewing experiences with us in the comments below! ¡Salud!