My First Homemade Strawberry Kombucha

Homebrew Kombucha
Kombucha is a fermented tea that not only has the same health benefits as tea but is rich in beneficial probiotics. It’s a sweet and fizzy drink which you can make from home.

Hong Mei made her first strawberry kombucha and she shares the recipe in the video.

What’s your favourite kombucha flavour?

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The Olive Tree – MADE WITH LOVE & CARE

Everything we need for our skin can be found in nature.

All our skincare products are vegan, biodegradable whilst using the finest quality natural ingredients sourced from plants. Our products are specially made in Australia.

We are strictly against animal testing, committed to creating products that are cruelty-free.

Here at The Olive Tree, we consciously reduce waste and use 100% recyclable packaging because we want you to have the best with minimal impact on our home.

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