KOMBUCHA FLAVOR Time! | 2nd Fermentation

Homebrew Kombucha
In this Kombucha YouTube Series I have completed a recovery of my long ignored kombucha, provided a one week update and now here we are today after a full 2 weeks of initial brew fermentation ready to start our second ferment. My favorite flavor of store bought kombucha is GT’s Gingerberry. I used pure blueberry juice and unsweetened strawberry puree from my own pantry along with some dehydrated ginger hoping to come close to the flavor I am looking for. I also used some store bought apple juice and mint.

Let me know your favorite ways to flavor your kombucha below in the comments.

Not shown in the video: I added back my new scoby and starter tea and refilled brew vessel with 2 gallons of freshly brewed sweet tea to restart a new batch.

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