Kombucha SCOBY Hotel Food Recipe

Homebrew Kombucha
Basic SCOBY Hotel Food Recipe:
Per cup of water, add 1 tbsp. of plain white sugar and 1 tsp. loose leaf black tea/1 black tea bag. Make sure to strain tea out and let the liquid come to room temp before adding to SCOBY Hotel. You can scale this recipe up for however much liquid you want to add to your hotel.

* Yes, I realize I forgot to say add 1 tbsp sugar in the video. I’m really sorry! I’m human. The recipe is summarized above for easy finding, and I tried to add a text call-out in the video to flag it for you. If you’re still upset with me after reading this, then I suggest doing some self-reflection and asking yourself what your anger is *really* about.

Here are some additional reference guides related to this video:
– SCOBY Care + Building a SCOBY Hotel: https://www.youbrewkombucha.com/scoby-care-hotel
– Is starter tea necessary for brewing kombucha: https://youtu.be/bY5PPwv2N8E
– Can moving affect kombucha brewing?: https://youtu.be/5NiX77ZRTAc
– How to make your kombucha batches more resilient to mold: https://youtu.be/oS565h159fM

* For a list of all my recommended materials + where to buy them (for new brewers to build your own kombucha starter kit or for expert brewers to upgrade your materials): https://www.youbrewkombucha.com/byo-starter-kit

*Order my book — The Kombucha Crafter’s Logbook — from Amazon: https://amzn.to/2XX9Fcy

* Find all my kombucha articles, videos and how-tos at https://www.youbrewkombucha.com

* If you’re interested, watch my video on homemade CBD Kombucha, and find my favorite water-soluble CBD products at https://www.youbrewkombucha.com/cbd-kombucha

FTC: This video is NOT sponsored. Amazon and Hemplucid links are affiliate links.

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