Home Brewed Kombucha + Make Your Own S.C.O.B.Y. | @veganvittoria by Lisa Vittoria

Homebrew Kombucha
Hi friends, Vegan Chef Lisa here! We have my boyfriend, Peter, on as our Guest Chef, to demonstrate how to easily brew your own kombucha, plus even make your very own S.C.O.B.Y or (S)ymbiotic (C)ulture (O)f (Y)east – to start your creative kombucha making process!

Kombucha is simple to prepare, healthy, vegan, 100% natural, fermented, traditional, tasty and refreshing drink. It’s unique flavor is similar to apple cider with a slight sweet vinegary essence.

Ukulele song by http://www.bensound.com
Various photos by http://www.unsplash.com – @bellehunt, bretkavanaugh, @katherinesousa, @timolivermetz, @meguminachev, @klaraavesnik, and @croissant

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EMAIL: veganvittoria@gmail.com

❤ Lisa

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