Northern Brewer Small Batch Starter Kit Instructional Video

Homebrew Beer Kits
1. Check out your equipment.
There are many pieces of equipment included in this kit; some
you’ll use all the time and others you’ll use occasionally. Take
a look at this sheet for your kit inventory and make sure you
received everything listed.

2. Watch the DVD. or Online Version which you are doing now!
Our Homebrewing 101 DVD is the best way to get familiar with the
brewing process.

3. Review instructions.
Review the laminated instruction sheet. Keep it handy for a reference
on brewing day.

4. Plan your brew day.
For your first batch of beer, set aside about three hours. Read
over the instructions that come with your beer recipe kit to
familiarize yourself with the process.

Make your own beer the small batch way! Here at Northern Brewer, we’ve spent countless hours in the Brew Lab eliminating every obstacle that stands between beginning brewers and the perfect homebrew. We got rid of the mess, the mystery, and every possible brew day mishap. And when we were done, what was left was a small but revolutionary box containing everything you need to create the perfect brew…our Small Batch Starter Kit.

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