Brewing the same beer with 3 different recipes

Homebrew Beer Recipes
Thanks for watching. Here are our Westvleteren 12 recipes.

SIMPLE RECIPE (5 gallons):
10 lbs Belgian Pilsner
5.5 lbs Belgian Pale
2.5 lbs D-180 Candi Syrup
1 oz Brewers Gold (60 min)
1 oz Hallertau Mittelfrueh (30 min)
1 oz Styrian Golding (15 min)
WLP530 Abbey Ale Yeast
Mash – 148F for 60 mins
Boil – 90 mins

12.5lbs Belgian Pilsner
2lbs Belgian Pale
2 oz Special B
2 oz Black Malt
3 lbs D-180 Candi Syrup
1 oz Brewers Gold (60 min)
1 oz Mt Hood (30 min)
1 oz Styrian Golding (15 min)
WLP530 Abbey Ale Yeast 2 liter starter on Day 0
WLP550 Belgian Ale Yeast on Day 0
WLP550 Belgian Ale Yeast on Day 3
Step mash – 138F for 30 mins, 152F 30 mins, 156F 30 mins
Boil – 90 mins

Still to come.

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