How To Brew A Sour Beer For Beginners

Homebrew Beer for Beginners
Here is an easy recipe if you’d like to get into the style of Sour Beers for the first time like I did on this brew day.

Sour Beer Recipe For Beginners:

EST OG = 1.064 EST %ABV = 6.1

– 3 pounds of Pilsner Light DME
– 3 pounds of Wheat DME
– 4 ounces of Maltodextrin
– 1.5 pounds of Corn Sugar
– Wyeast 3763 (65-85f)) or White Labs WLP655 (80-85f)


Brewing Steps:

– Mix all of the extract in 5.5 gallons of cool water.

– Boil the wort down to 5.0 gallons. This is a “no hop” recipe, so the boil is pretty much for pasteurization and to sanitize your wort chiller.

– Cool the wort and transfer to the fermenter.

– Pitch the mixed culture of yeast (no starter necessary) into the cooled wort.

PRO TIP: For either fermentation style, if you have access to unpasteurized commercial sour beers that taste good, be they Belgian Lambic (make sure they say “Oud” on the bottle unless it is from Cantillon) or American sour beers:

Save the last half inch of the bottle dregs after pouring out the beer into your glass. If it tastes good, pour that last half inch directly into your fermenter.

– Age for at least 1 year.


When you age a sour for this long, the yeast is pretty much dead. Take 2-3 grams of wine yeast for 5 gallons of beer (EC1118 is good), rehydrate it, and add that to your bottling bucket. Let the bottles sit for at least one month before trying. Age individual bottles at room temp and experience how they change every three months.

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